Sorrow's Ashes

Well, we've finally done it. After years of writing, editing, rewriting, soliciting agents, researching self-publishing, and formatting our book to suit the publisher, the novel my husband and I started together is available in paperback form. Along the way, I've had to learn a lot of new things. I built a website, and I switched to an entirely new word processing program. I've converted all sorts of files and studied advice on working with digital images to get the right results in the final print. In the story, we've had to adjust some of our original ideas, and the book that's published now is a little different than the early manuscripts we distributed to friends and family for review. But I think, all in all, it's a stronger piece. And it's fatter, too. I honestly didn't realize how thick it would get when we converted it from standard letter sized pages to a 6 x 9 trade paperback book. Still, it was a very satisfying feeling to hold the ...