Freya's Goodbye
In the staff lounge on Thursday, I ate my lunch quickly, scanning my smart phone and reading articles I don't remember. When I had done with that, I looked at the clock. With some 20 minutes of break time left, I considered returning to my desk early. While I usually take a walk, I just didn't feel up to it, and I only wanted to get back to my work and finish out the day. Such "dedication" is frowned upon for non-exempt employees, so after a bit of waffling, I put on my jacket and headed out after all. A few steps out, the urge to keep walking took over. Suddenly, I wanted to go as far and as fast as my feet would carry me, to walk until I couldn't anymore - to nowhere in particular. A few steps more, and I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. The transformation was abrupt and unexpected. That morning, my daughter's dog Freya had gone on her last trip to the vet. She had been ...