Vacation for Two
Vacation, a time of rest- meaning a time to do the rest of the things you never get around to in a normal work week. A certain amount of the vacation I'm allotted must be used before the end of the year, or it melts away. Since I'm often busy with the next big project, anticipating a meeting, or adapting to changes, the scheduling of those days gets pushed toward the end of the year when the pressure is on to use it or lose it. Generally, my first significant vacation of the year ends up being in late August. It works out because that's generally when there's more going on in my personal life that I'd like the time to enjoy- the GenCon gaming convention, our ( my husband and I ) wedding anniversary, my husband's family reunion (followed in September by my family's annual camping trip.) I started a week off on Wednesday, spending the day on the deck in the sun, but not as you may think. Vacation, as I've said, is usually a tim...